Saturday, November 23, 2013

rolfing in italian (with translation)

Rolfing per combattere stress e mal di schiena

È il metodo più profondo per combattere stress e mal di schiena. Parliamo del Rolfing terapia olistica amata anche da Sting, Courtney Love eOprah Winfrey
Il New York Times l’ha definito "il metodo più profondo per alleviare lo stress della vita moderna" e chi lo ha provato, tra cui Sting, Oprah Winfrey e Courtney Love, ha detto addio a cervicale e mal di schiena. In realtà ilrolfing è una terapia olistica che si basa su un principio molto semplice: se sostenuto da una corretta postura, il corpo trova nella forza di gravità il suo alleato migliore per alleviare traumi e stress. 

"Una corretta postura, però, che non è uguale per tutti, ma cambia in base alle esigenze di ciascuno", dice Andrea Brighi, Presidente Associazione Italiana Rolfing. "Lo scopo del rolfing è di ristabilire armonia ed equilibrio nella struttura corporea. Il percorso si sviluppa in dieci sedute individuali - ognuna che tratta una parte specifica del corpo - nelle quali l’operatore, dopo un colloquio con il cliente, prosegue con un body reading sia in posizione statica, sia dinamica, in cui individua gli obiettivi da raggiungere". 

Focus della tecnica è il “tocco”, tipico nel suo genere, attraverso cui il rolfer educa al movimento, liberando ilcorpo da blocchi e restrizioni per riallinearlo correttamente rispetto al campo di gravità. "Si agisce sul tessuto connettivo che, al contrario di quello che si potrebbe pensare, è modellabile e permette al corpo di cambiare forma", aggiunge l’esperto.

Insomma, niente “petto in fuori e spalle indietro” per tutti: ognuno ha la “sua” postura armonica ed equilibrata funzionale al modo di comportarsi e di muoversi. "Il rolfing non si occupa tanto del sintomo quanto dell’organismo nella sua globalità, anche se spesso è proprio il sintomo a denunciare la sollecitazione eccessiva di una parte specifica", dice ancora Brighi.

"Con questa tecnica si liberano le restrizioni che costringono l’organismo in tensione permanente, si acquisisce una coordinazione motoria più sciolta e una migliore consapevolezza psicofisica di se stessi". Una tecnica olistica che può davvero migliorare le condizioni di vita delle persone, soprattutto se completata con altre metologie corporee come l’agopuntura, il Tai-Chi o quelle più tradizionali. "Si è discusso proprio di questo a Bologna ottobre in occasione del primo Congresso internazionale dedicato allo studio di un nuovo approccio al benessere del cittadino tra le tecniche olistiche e la medicina ufficiale", precisa Andrea Brighi.

"In Italia le potenzialità del rolfing non sono ancora sviluppate, negli Stati Uniti e in molti paesi europei, invece, è considerato diffusamente uno dei migliori strumenti integrativi delle terapie mediche tradizionali". E allora, diamoci da fare, la cervicale potrebbe essere un lontano ricordo!

Rolfing to combat stress and back pain

It is the most profound method to fight stress and back pain. Let's talk aboutRolfing holistic therapy also loved by Sting Courtney Love and Oprah Winfrey
The New York Timesdescribed it as " the most profound method to relieve the stress of modern life "and those who have tried, including Sting, Oprah Winfrey and Courtney Love has said goodbye to neck and back pain . In reality the Rolfing is a holistic therapy which is based on a very simple principle: if supported by a correct posture, the body located in the force of gravity its ally better to alleviate trauma and stress.

"A correct posture , however, that not is the same for everyone , but it changes according to the needs of each one, "says Andrea Brighi, President of the Italian Association of Rolfing . "The goal of Rolfing is to restore harmony and balance in the body structure. The route runs in ten individual sessions - each dealing with a specific part of the body - in which the operator, after an interview with the client, continues with a body reading is in a static position, and dynamic, which identifies the objectives to be achieved. "

Focus of the technique is the "touch", typical of its kind, through which the rolfer educates the movement,freeing the body from blocks and restrictions to realign properly with respect to the gravity field . "It affects the connective tissue that, contrary to what you mightthink, it is malleable and allows the body to change shape, "adds the expert. So, no "chest out and shoulders back" for all: everyone has "his" posture harmonious and balanced functional way to behave and move around ."Rolfing is not targeting the symptom of the organism as a whole, although it is often the symptom to denounce the excessive strain of a specific part , "says Brighi. "With this technique frees the restrictions that force 'body in permanent tension, you acquire a looser motor coordination and better mental and physical awareness of themselves . "A holistic technique that can really improve the living conditions of people, especially if complemented withother metodologies body, such as acupuncture, Tai-Chi , or the more traditional ones . "We discussed just this October in Bologna on the occasion of the first International Congress dedicated to the study of a new approach to the well-being of citizens between conventional medicine and holistic techniques," says Andrea Brighi. " In Italy the potential of Rolfing are not yet developed in the United States and in many European countries, however, is widely considered one of the best tools of integrative therapies traditional medical . " So, let's do it, the cervical may be a distant memory!


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Rolfing to combat stress and back pain

It is the most profound method to fight stress and back pain. Let's talk aboutRolfing holistic therapy also loved by Sting Courtney Love and Oprah Winfrey
The New York Timesdescribed it as " the most profound method to relieve the stress of modern life "and those who have tried, including Sting, Oprah Winfrey and Courtney Love has said goodbye to neck and back pain . In reality the Rolfing is a holistic therapy which is based on a very simple principle: if supported by a correct posture, the body located in the force of gravity its ally better to alleviate trauma and stress.

"A correct posture , however, that not is the same for everyone , but it changes according to the needs of each one, "says Andrea Brighi, President of the Italian Association of Rolfing . "The goal of Rolfing is to restore harmony and balance in the body structure. The route runs in ten individual sessions - each dealing with a specific part of the body - in which the operator, after an interview with the client, continues with a body reading is in a static position, and dynamic, which identifies the objectives to be achieved. "

Focus of the technique is the "touch", typical of its kind, through which the rolfer educates the movement,freeing the body from blocks and restrictions to realign properly with respect to the gravity field . "It affects the connective tissue that, contrary to what you mightthink, it is malleable and allows the body to change shape, "adds the expert. So, no "chest out and shoulders back" for all: everyone has "his" posture harmonious and balanced functional way to behave and move around ."Rolfing is not targeting the symptom of the organism as a whole, although it is often the symptom to denounce the excessive strain of a specific part , "says Brighi. "With this technique frees the restrictions that force 'body in permanent tension, you acquire a looser motor coordination and better mental and physical awareness of themselves . "A holistic technique that can really improve the living conditions of people, especially if complemented withother metodologies body, such as acupuncture, Tai-Chi , or the more traditional ones . "We discussed just this October in Bologna on the occasion of the first International Congress dedicated to the study of a new approach to the well-being of citizens between conventional medicine and holistic techniques," says Andrea Brighi. " In Italy the potential of Rolfing are not yet developed in the United States and in many European countries, however, is widely considered one of the best tools of integrative therapies traditional medical . " So, let's do it, the cervical may be a distant memory!


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